Facelift Specialist

Randal Pham, MD, MS, FACS

Plastic Surgeon & Ophthalmologist located in San Jose, CA

One of the most effective procedures in rejuvenating your appearance is the surgical face-lift. At his offices in San Jose, California, plastic surgeon Randal Pham, MD, MS, FACS, customizes your face-lift procedure to lift your skin and redistribute facial fat for a natural result. To learn more about face-lift surgery and find out if you’re a candidate, call the office directly or book an appointment online today.

Facelift Q&A

How does a face-lift work?

A face-lift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgery to tighten the skin on your face and remove excess skin for a more youthful facial appearance. During your consultation for a face-lift, Dr. Pham evaluates your appearance and asks about your specific insecurities. Then, he designs your procedure to address certain areas of sagging skin and wrinkles. 

Before your surgery begins, Dr. Pham gives you either IV sedation or general anesthesia. Under sedation, you won’t feel anything as Dr. Pham performs your surgery. He makes an incision along your hairline to access the underlying tissues and fat. He removes or redistributes facial fat and tightens the muscle and connective tissue with sutures. He also removes excess skin before closing the incision. 

What are the results of a face-lift?

There are many possible facial enhancements that you can make with face-lift surgery. The result is much more drastic than any available minimally invasive procedure and lasts for five years or longer. Talk to Dr. Pham about how a face-lift can minimize these features:

  • Facial fat
  • Jowls
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Large wrinkles and folds
  • Weak facial muscles
  • Loose skin

You can optimize your results and make them last longer by following Dr. Pham’s postoperative instructions. Keeping your skin moisturized and protected from direct sunlight can help your skin stay tight and strong after a face-lift.

How should I prepare for my face-lift?

A face-lift is a surgery, so there are steps you need to take beforehand to prepare for a successful operation. Before the date of your procedure, Dr. Pham tells you to:

  • Stop smoking
  • Adjust or stop taking certain medications
  • Use certain products on your skin
  • Avoid drugs and substances that increase bleeding like aspirin and herbal supplements

Before any procedure, you should sit down with Dr. Pham for a consultation about your health and your expectations. If you’re not currently a candidate for face-lift surgery for any reason, Dr. Pham can help you explore nonsurgical treatments to renew and tighten your skin.

To learn more about face-lift surgery and consult with Dr. Pham about your goals, call the office or book an appointment online today.